Powdery Mildew on Mangoes
May often marks the time of year where the growing season truly begins, especially in the northern regions of the United States. As growers, gardeners, and agricultural experts begin to prepare for blooming crops and flourishing harvest, it is important to protect these plants. From the numerous invasions of pests and plant diseases that threaten the health of crops to the variance in weather, understanding how to protect your harvest is crucial. Today, we address the issue of powdery mildew on mangoes.
Across the world, powdery mildew on mangoes is patchy, however, when the disease attacks mango leaves, the results are often severe. In fact, powdery mildew on mangoes often accounts for losses up to 90 percent of the crop, affecting the fruit’s ability to set and develop. In order to achieve adequate yields, growers must be incredibly shrewd regarding their yields, crop production, and the appearance of their mango leaves.
Luckily, the symptoms of powdery mildew on mangoes are easily identifiable. Growers should note, however, that if powdery mildew has been present in the past they should expect this to recur seasonally or yearly. The most effective way to counter the effects of powdery mildew is to use control measures to prevent any losses in the season’s crop.
Mango growers should be able to quickly recognize and diagnose the presence of powdery mildew on their harvest. Typically, a whitish-gray hue will haze over the mango panicle, which is normally a red color when healthy. Unfortunately, the powdery mildew is able to quickly colonize and infect the mango. Those growers who are not quick to prevent this incidence will find much trouble in saving the plant’s life.
In order to ensure a favorable fruit set and yield, mango growers must utilize preventative control measures to safeguard against powdery mildew infestations. A product such as Powdery Mildew Killer is an excellent, organic option quickly sweeping the foliar industry today. Click here for more information on the ultimate treatment to powdery mildew invasions.